Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Whiteout in DC

So we have had an enormous amount of snow these past few days. Sometime between Saturday night and Sunday morning our 50 foot pine tree fell over into the street under the weight of the 20+ inches of snow. RJG’s first reaction: "Uh oh.. all the animals are buried under there" - the dog, the cat and numerous hamsters whose names we have forgotten.

Pater has been mourning the death of the pine tree ad nausea and has grand plans to hoist it back into position with ropes and pulleys. I am glad that the pine went down, it was growing perilously close to the house at an alarming 60-degree angle. This morning, in the midst of an even worse storm, some amazing neon suited men lopped off the top of the pine and other hazardous broken tree limbs. Thank you neon men!

Trees are falling down all over the neighborhood, this one on New Hampshire avenue a few blocks away crushed two cars.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is awesome. You put "keep are" in the caption though.

